25 April 2018, Dwi Emas International School, Shah Alam, saw MARDEC crowned as the overall champion for the TWM closed basketball tournament. Teams from Bernas, CSR, TPB and MARDEC fought tirelessly with great sportsmanship for the title. MARDEC’s male team sanked Bernas 7-2 to emerge to the final against TPB. It was a close match against TPB with MARDEC scoring the winning point in additional time. For the female team, MARDEC teamed up with TPB and CSR to fight the Bernas team. MARDEC and friends won 6-4. Mostly newbies and first timers with the exception of Abu Dzar (Captain) and Imran, it was the spirit of togetherness and perseverance that led to the success of the MARDEC!!